Primary Health Care
The primary health care's objective is to improve child health and primary prevention of illness among the vulnerable households.
60 St John volunteers support work in Ndirande and Mbayani in Blantyre and 136 St John volunteers work and support the work in Kauma, Chiuzira and Chimbalanga in Lilongwe. The areas are crowded with poor sanitation where many of the local residents have moved to the city seeking opportunities and the possibility of a better life for themselves and their families.
Household outreach by volunteers
St John volunteers make visits in the local communities to assess household conditions, and follow up when needed.
Volunteers check on the conditions of refuse disposal, toilets and hygiene and indicate actions that households need to take to improve sanitation.
Under-5 Outreach Clinics
Outreach clinics for children under the age of five years are carried out through collaboration between St John Malawi and the local health services.
The outreach clinics focus on two essential interventions: monitoring children’s healthy growth, particularly after breastfeeding stops up to the age of five years; and providing childhood immunization.
The purpose of childhood growth monitoring is to reduce the likelihood of under-weight children and stunting, and in serious cases to improve the health status of children who are malnourished.